At the moment, it’s very likely Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as the ninth justice on the Supreme Court. Republicans hope she will help turn the court rule more conservatively.
We’ve outlined here, here, and here what damage a conservative Supreme Court could do to the lives of millions of American citizens.
We’re trying to take an optimistic view of Judge – soon to be Justice – Barrett. She’s obviously a keenly intelligent woman, highly accomplished, and is likely to inspire millions of working mothers.
But it’s difficult to forget the Republican determination to ram her nomination through. We have to wonder: Do they hope she will rule impartially, in the spirit of the law? Or do they truly just want someone who will fall into line and rule for them?
It is no secret that the GOP has been eager to dismantle the ACA, or Obamacare. Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota spoke up during the hearings, recollecting that Judge Coney Barret criticized Justice Roberts when he voted with Ginsburg and the rest of the liberal bloc to uphold the Affordable Care Act.
“Judge, I think this hearing is a sham,” Klobuchar said. “I think it shows messed-up priorities from the Republican party.”
But she acknowledged she had a job to do here, and so she continued: “America, this is about you … with one stroke of a pen, one judge can decide if millions of Americans … would lose their insurance.”
She went on: “This is a judgeship that was held by an icon who voted to protect your healthcare: Ruth Bader Ginsburg. … When you look at her opinions, you realize she wasn’t just writing for today. She was writing for tomorrow. In the name of RBG, we should not go backwards.”
She encourages voters to reach out to their representatives and senators and let them know what they think. Obviously, this is a good practice at any time, not just when a Supreme Court nomination occurs, but it’s always good to have a reminder.
“This isn’t Donald Trump’s country,” she concluded. “It’s yours.”
You can watch a clip of her statement at the hearings here.