Democrats and Gun Control

Democrats and Gun Control

Gun control is one of the most hotly debated issues at stake in this election. At least, that’s what the GOP would have you think. Relax, everyone. Joe Biden is not going to show up at your house and personally take your hunting rifles.

How Do Democrats Feel About Gun Control?

The party does have varying opinions based on its particular factions. Elizabeth Warren wanted a federal licensing program, for example. Beto O’Rourke probably would show up at your house and personally take your guns (if he could) but would settle for a mandatory buyback program. Compare that to Bernie Sanders, who up until recently was more moderate in his gun control stance.

As you can see, their stances are varied. The Democrats don’t have “one” uniform take on guns or what it takes to effectively regulate them while maintaining our personal liberties. With that in mind, let’s look at Biden’s position on gun control. He’s the presidential nominee, after all.

Biden on Gun Control

The GOP accuses Biden of being part of the radical left, he’s actually more moderate than most when it comes to guns. You can read his entire proposed policy here, but here the takeaways that affect you, the potential gun owner:

  • Ban the manufacturing and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
  • Regulate existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act
  • Implement a voluntary buyback program for those who want to unload their existing assault weapons
  • Enact universal background check legislation
  • End online sale of firearms and ammunition

The list itself is quite extensive, but none of it is a swooping removal of guns. Basically, if assault weapons are banned, you can either sell back your existing one or keep it so long as you register the gun and undergo a background check.

Look, the Second Amendment itself cites the right of the people to bear arms…if they’re in “a well-regulated militia.”

What we’re seeing here is just that: regulation and the laws functioning like they should.

They Don’t Want Your Guns

The current Democratic plan that Biden might bring to the office will coincide with overall positive changes to the justice system, including, contrary to what you might have heard, more support for police. It also will include a broad plan to stop a lot of crime before it can start, by reaching troubled youths and others who might otherwise turn to crime and helping them before they can do so.

In short, gun control remains a complex issue throughout both parties, but the Democrats aren’t coming for yours. If you’re a law-abiding citizen who happens to have a gun, you have absolutely nothing to worry about!